We are dedicated to improving the health of
mothers, infants and families internationally.

We aim to serve in the nations of the world with the greatest need.
Particular attention will be given to African nations and populations of African descent.


While motherhood is often a positive and fulfilling experience, for too many women it is associated with suffering, ill-health and even death. Help us today save the lives of women and children around the world.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is the inflammation of the female genital tract. It starts in the cervix and may spread to any of the female organs and even into the pelvic cavity. It is a major direct cause of sterility.


Miscarriage is the spontaneous expulsion of a human fetus after the first 12 or 20 weeks gestation, depending upon the definition of spontaneous abortion, without apparent cause.

Maternal Mortality

Maternal Mortality is the number of maternal deaths which occur during the entire course of pregnancy and during the first three to six months following completion of the pregnancy.


We conduct unbiased multidisciplinary research, accurately defining the causes of death and illness in pregnancy, childbirth, and the neonatal period. We identify successful programs and partner with like minded leaders and community providers to determine the genuine health needs of local populations.


We educate and train health care providers, governmental agencies, and academic and community groups on evidence-based practices leading to the best outcomes in maternal, child and family health. We help empower local entities securing education, resources and technologies that will advance the health of women and children.

World Perinatal Collaborative

Women and children deserve our best.
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